Section: Protocol Families (4F)
Updated: July 12, 1993
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cinfo - remote facsimile machine control parameters database  


The cinfo subdirectory in the FlexFAX spooling area holds parameters to use when sending to remote facsimile machines. Each remote machine that has control parameters has a file in the cinfo directory named by the remote machine's fully-qualified phone number. Parameter files have a simple ASCII format. Each line is of the form

      tag: value

where a tag identifies a capability and a value is either a string, number, or boolean value.

The following parameters are recognized:

Tag                   Type       Description
rejectNotice          string     if set, reject outgoing jobs and return notice string
tracingLevel          number     if set, set SessionTracing to this value

The facsimile server, faxd(1M), uses the information stored in this directory when sending facsimile.

The rejectNotice item can be used to force jobs for the remote machine to be rejected before dialing the telephone. If this item has a non-empty string value, then all submitted facsimile are returned to the sender with a rejection notice that includes the specified string. This mechanism can be useful for dealing with problematic fax machines.

The tracingLevel item can be used to override the SessionTracing configuration parameter for calls to a specific facsimile machine; see config(4F) for information on this control.  


faxd(1M), config(4F), info(4F)




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